
Chestnut cream in tube

3,90 €

Flagship product of the house Angelina and its famous "Mont-Blanc", this chestnut cream is made in France by craftsmen. It is presented in a tube for a very practical use for everyday pleasure.

Weight: 80g
or €48.75 per kilo

To be enjoyed in a dessert or a homemade pastry, on a slice of bread or just with a spoon!
Marrons (50%), sucre, vanille en gousse

Valeur énergétique : 1146 kJ / 270 kcal | Matières grasses : 1,3g | dont acides gras saturés : 0,37g | dont acides gras trans : <0,01g | Glucides : 0 | dont sucres : 52g | Protéines : 1,07g | Sel : <0,01g
Net weight : 80g
Storage temperature: Ambient
Applicable VAT rate: 5.5%.

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