Easy pancake recipe
Here's a simple and easy pancake recipe for delicious, gourmet moments, ideal for accompanying La Halle des Gourm...
See moreAt Angelina, gourmet food has been a tradition since 1903 ! Delicious chestnut cream based on the famous Mont-Blanc cake, old-fashioned hot chocolate or the emblematic tea blend Angelina...it's all here!
Here's a simple and easy pancake recipe for delicious, gourmet moments, ideal for accompanying La Halle des Gourm...
See moreGourmet delights can be enjoyed in all seasons at Angelina ! So, with the arrival of the summer, the company is offering its iconic hot chocolate in a new ...
See moreFor 120 years, Angelina has established itself as the emblematic brand and symbol of the French art of living. With its range of top-of-the-range grocery products, Angelina continues to delight the sweet tooth with its chocolates, confectionery, biscuits, teas and jams. Would you like some more hot chocolate?