
Pacific salmon eggs


Tasting salmon roe, also known as red caviar, is a long tradition of celebration, especially in Russia! Keta (Alaska) wild salmon eggs are large and naturally orange. Once in the mouth, they burst and release a creamy sensation and a strong iodine taste.

Weight: 50g to 100g
or 278.00 per kilo

We like them as an aperitif, with a hint of crème fraîche on a blinis or a slice of buttered toast, but also to sublimate a slice of smoked salmon or in a salad.
Œufs de SAUMON Keta du pacifique 97% (Oncorhynchus keta), sel

Valeur énergétique : 1030 kJ / 246 kcal | Matières grasses : 13g | dont acides gras saturés : 3,2g | dont acides gras trans : 0 | Glucides : 0 | dont sucres : <0,5g | Protéines : 29,7g | Sel : 3g
Net weight : 50g /100g
Storage temperature: 0/4°C
Applicable VAT rate: 5.5%.

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