Mythical Potato-caviar Astara !

If there is a mythical recipe of the house Astara, it is the Potato-caviar ! Melting and creamy, the marriage of potato and caviar is ideal to appreciate this exceptional a comforting way!

Recipe for Potato Caviar Astara

For 1 potato
Preparation : 15mn
Cooking time: 1h
Rest: none


  • 1 large potato (about 700g)
  • 5g of liquid cream with 35% fat content
  • 25g soft butter
  • 40g of Isigny PDO cream
  • 10g or more of Baeri caviar Astara
  • 1 pinch of fine salt
  • Mesclun

Preparation :

  • Wash and brush the potato. Wrap the potato tightly with cling film.
  • Cook in simmering water for 1 hour until the potato is tender. Let cool in the refrigerator and remove the cling film.
  • Cut off the potato cap with a paring knife.
  • Dig it out with a tablespoon, leaving a 1 cm border.
  • Keep the pulp to be crushed in a saucepan with the single cream, sweet butter and salt. Bring to a boil while stirring.
  • Brown the potato shell in the oven.
  • Add the hot mashed potato to the shell.
  • Arrange the potato on the plate with mesclun. Gently place your Astara caviar on one side and make an Isigny cream quenelle on the other side.
potato with astara caviar

Anne-Emmanuelle Thion