
Duck sauerkraut with garnish

17,90 €

Sauerkraut, yes, but all duck! Duck sleeves and thighs confit with duck sausages accompanied by a homemade white wine sauerkraut.

Weight: 380g
or €52.36 per kilo

To be reheated in a bain-marie. To be served with a white wine from Alsace.
Sauerkraut (32%), duck leg and sleeve (French origin), duck sausage (pork and duck meat (French origin)), spices, aromatic herbs, natural casing), white wine (SULFITES), onions, duck fat, smoked pork belly (French origin), salt, pepper, spices.

Energy value: 791 kJ / 188 kcal | Fat: 15.6g | of which saturated fatty acids: 8g | of which trans fatty acids: 0 | Carbohydrates: 2.5 | of which sugars: 0.5g | Protein: 9.6g | Salt: 0.8g
Net weight: 380g
Storage temperature : Ambient
Applicable VAT rate: 5.5%.

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