
Canned whole duck foie gras

20,50 €

With its typical taste, creamy texture and perfect seasoning by Maison Dubernet, this whole duck foie gras is a must-have for your festive tables. The foie gras can be stored at room temperature for several years, making it the ideal gift to carry.

from 70g to 400g
i.e. from €270 to €292.86 per kilo

Storage at room temperature. Place in the refrigerator for 6 hours and take out 15 to 20 minutes before tasting. Cut 1 cm thick slices with a toothless knife blade dipped in hot water. Serve with toasted bread of your choice and fresh fruit or chutney.
Foie gras de canard (origine France), sel, sucre, épices

Valeur énergétique : 2224 KJ / 530 Kcal | Matières grasses : 54,9g | dont acides gras saturés : 22,5g | dont acides gras trans : | Glucides : 2,5g | dont sucres : 2g | Protéines : 6,3g | Sel : <1,2g
Net weight: 70g /130g /200g /400g
Storage temperature: Ambient
Applicable VAT rate: 5.5%.

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